Choose to be free

fe60817ff12b305404c075b4c2878ed8In our everyday lives we are constantly facing situations where decisions have to be made: the black or the white shirt, tea or coffee, tube or bus. These are simple decisions that do not have serious consequences in the long term but how do we act when life throws difficult situations at us and challenges our decision making power?

In such cases I often find myself thinking about my life and my actions as if I was watching a movie – this eliminates some of the emotional attachment and somehow encourages doing the ‘right’ thing – this right thing is not what society considers to be right but the decision that feels good inside each of us, considering each person’s set of values and morality.

Someone once said (possibly just an online quote but still a good one), when faced with an impossible decision, toss a coin – not because of the random result of letting the universe decide your fate but because when the coin is in the air, you find out what the result you are hoping for is. When this happens, even if what you find that you are wishing for seems impossible – do it! It is what you want and what YOU consider to be right and you won’t be able to ‘get over it’ until you make it true.

Life is short and can end in a blink of an eye – this thought should make everything so clear for us. Be brave enough to leave a place or a situation that no longer grows you, be brave enough to finally start that project that you’ve been thinking about, be brave enough to find a new challenging job, be brave enough to tell that special someone how you feel about them and most important: be brave enough to start a conversation that matters. YOU are the only one in charge of designing your life – make it a good one!

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