How to be a happy Londoner

So apparently the lovely Blog of Sunshine has become quite popular. I’m happy to share with you another guest-post from one of my close friends, Alex. She the odd one out happy ‘Hammersmithian’ and she’s sharing some tips&tricks of living a happy Londoner (and not only) life. I absolutely loved reading it, the English humour just cracks me up. Enjoy!

PS: Alex has her own blog about languages, translation and other cool stuff if you want to check it out:

According to this latest piece of research, happiness and life satisfaction levels vary quite a bit across London. Whilst I wasn’t too surprised to see that people living in the super-wealthy borough of Kensington and Chelsea seem pretty happy with their lives, I was a bit surprised that people in my area, Hammersmith and Fulham, seem like a pretty dissatisfied bunch. Obviously there could be 100s of different reasons why people are unhappy with their life, but I thought I’d share a few of my ‘secrets’ to being one of the happy people in Hammersmith!

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