The Healthy Series continues: dos and don’ts

Last week I decided to start this series about a subject that I believe to very important for a good quality of life and thus for contributing to our everyday happiness: healthy eating. In the first article we got to talk a bit about our shopping habits and showed you a video about the supermarket chains and how we ought to think a little bit further about how the products got on the shelf and the process that they go through until they reach our fridge/cupboard and ultimately our digestive system. 

Going further, the first and most important change is in the products that we bring home and stock our fridge with. What we have in the fridge is what we eat so ideally less processed food and more vegetables and fruit – I’m not the first nor the last one to say it yet I still see people eating processed food because it’s easier and more convenient. If possible, go as close to the source as you can. Most of the vegetables and fruit can look perfectly good and appealing but because of the chemical process of growth and the poor quality of the soil they lack the nutrients. It is easier to buy local in countries like my home country, Romania where you don’t have to do much effort to buy naturally grown vegetables, even from grandma’s garden. It’s one of the things I miss about Romania and I remember my grandfather used to have a garden full of home grown tomatoes that he would grow from nursery and at the end of the summer they’d be ripe and have this delicious smell and taste! Absolutely yummy!

In big cities like London is quite difficult to find something truely natural because everything is so automatised but try to look for the word ‘organic’ on the packaging, read the provenience (again, buying local when possible because the products take less time to get on the shelf therefore are more fresh) or shop from places like Wholefoods that are indeed a bit more pricey but really, I think no price is too high for preserving our health. Of course not to go to the other extreme of paying ridiculous amounts of money for something just because it has ‘organic’ on it. Overall I believe it’s worth it to allocate a bigger part of your budget for buying better food that keeps you energic and healthy but a sort of balance needs to be kept in mind.

Right, so more veggies and fruit. Next thing you need to know is that bread is not doing your body any favours. I’m sorry to break this news to you, don’t shoot the messenger. Wheat is just addictive and stimulates appetite, plus the gluten which is another thing you might want to steer clear of. So when I say wheat, I mean pasta as well (I know, this hurt me too). If you must and absolutely cannot live without them, try to get whole wheat pasta which contain the nutrient rich bran and germ out of the grain, not just the just the endosperm like the regular pasta. Even so, read the labels carefully for brown pasta that is masquerading as whole wheat. 

 I bet right about now you’re starting to think ‘oh man, there’s so much stuff that I can’t have’. Because everything happens so fast nowadays we think we don’t have time to prepare proper food but you’ll see that once you start making conciously choices, there are plenty of healthy alternatives and even more delicious ones. You don’t really have to give up the ‘bad’ stuff, just read the labels carefully, make sure you know where the food comes from, how the animals have been raised and fed, how the vegetables have been grown. Even if you do have some pasta or bread now and then, try to take the healthier alternative and ‘minimize the damage’. 

Our body is the only permanent home that we have and many people ruin their health in their younger years by having bad eating habits and try for years to recover it by paying huge amounts of money on treatment and medicine.

Like the Latins used to say ‘mens sana in corpore sano’ – a sound mind in a sound body. When we eat good, we feel good. When we feel good we can be at our highest standard – at work, in the relationship with the people that surround us, with family and friends, while practising our hobbies and well, all the time really. 

Next post will be about my favourite ingredients to use in cooking – cause I’ve been doing quite a bit of what not to do and it’s time for some advice on what to do do (see what I did there?).

Paris through the eyes of a Londoner

The beginning of the year was quite busy for me, among other things I have been learning French for our office challenge – cause we’re fun like that. I am using our amazing looking app (hope the developers read this ;-)) called uTalk (read more about it here) because I recently went on a trip to Paris for a few days around New Year’s Eve and I knew that French people tend to expect everyone to speak French so I wanted to do my homework and at least learn how to ask for a coffee and a croissant.

I had high expectations about Paris, the city of love. Continue reading

The story of a winter sunrise in London

I was feeling adventurous and inspired this week so I decided to put an effort into my photography passion and go shoot the sunrise on Saturday. My goal was not necessarily the sun itself, but a certain landmark in the mellow light of the morning sun. I chose St. Paul’s Cathedral which I consider to be one of the most beautiful landmarks of London and decided to shoot it from The Millennium Bridge which is also another great piece of architecture that you should definitely see if you’re around.
With all that in mind, there was one more factor that needed to be settled and that is: the weather. I know you’re probably thinking ‘oh well that’s easy, just check the forecast’. I wish it was true, but the only way to find out how the weather in London is going to be, is to wait until that moment comes and go outside. Really, the forecast can’t be trusted here because there can always be a light rain happening out of nowhere or a shy ray of sun through the thick clouds (more often the first one rather than the second). Nevertheless, the forecast said it wasn’t going to rain so I decided it’s worth to take the risk. Continue reading

How to be a happy Londoner

So apparently the lovely Blog of Sunshine has become quite popular. I’m happy to share with you another guest-post from one of my close friends, Alex. She the odd one out happy ‘Hammersmithian’ and she’s sharing some tips&tricks of living a happy Londoner (and not only) life. I absolutely loved reading it, the English humour just cracks me up. Enjoy!

PS: Alex has her own blog about languages, translation and other cool stuff if you want to check it out:

According to this latest piece of research, happiness and life satisfaction levels vary quite a bit across London. Whilst I wasn’t too surprised to see that people living in the super-wealthy borough of Kensington and Chelsea seem pretty happy with their lives, I was a bit surprised that people in my area, Hammersmith and Fulham, seem like a pretty dissatisfied bunch. Obviously there could be 100s of different reasons why people are unhappy with their life, but I thought I’d share a few of my ‘secrets’ to being one of the happy people in Hammersmith!

Continue reading

Exciting London

Hello boys and girls! As you know, I am always on the lookout for new and exciting activities to do in this amazing city where you would have to try really really hard to get bored. So I discovered that the Tower Bridge opened this new exhibition – got on their website (, booked tickets and went for an adventure! Continue reading

Looking forward to Monday?

Since a couple of months, a very good friend of mine has been taking me to different events that happen at the Apple Store in Regent Street, London. As you may or may not know I am a Apple fan but that’s not what this post is about.

The first one I saw was about architecture and design and it had as guests four people that talked about their work in this field, their inspiration and challenges. This week I went to my second one which was about fashion and technology, to be more precise wearable technology, also had three amazing people invited to share some of their thoughts with us. I find it that these kind of events are truly inspiring and I encourage everyone to take part if you get the chance, it was a very pleasant experience for me and my friend, especially after the first one because the last part of the presentation was about the window designs in the shops in Regent Street so we went for a walk to see them and discuss them in real life as well.

As I was returning home after the second one, in the bus I was replaying the events in my head and started thinking about those people, the way they were talking, what they were saying and so on and I realised they all had a very special thing in common: they were passionate about their work. I could see their faces lighten up when it was their turn to speak and I recognised the feeling – it is the feeling you get when you talk about something you love and that is a truly amazing emotion to see in a person. One of the most important reasons that I am so happy and grateful to be living in London is that I very often get the chance to see or meet people that are incredibly passionate about their work and they choose to share that wonderful feeling with others – and I am not just talking about those people that speak at events but also about people I know and appreciate in real life.

I imagine it must be an amazing thing when a passion and a career combine to make something special and I can’t help but imagine how our world would look like if more and more people managed to make a living out of their passions and were paid to do something they would be willing to do for free. Most people see their job just as a place where they spend 8 dreadful hours of their day until it’s time to go home and do the stuff they actually care about. What if, for a change, we were actually looking forward to Monday?

Day in Richmond – if you are a different kind of tourist

London has been like a dream ever since I moved here. Only a few days ago I celebrated my first year of living here which feels more like a month rather than a whole year. Looking back at all the accomplishments, the list is quite long but the time has passed very quickly.

In this first year my number one priority was to find a job and make sure I accomplish everything I need to lead a normal life, which was quite challenging but with determination, ambition and compromises I managed to achieve this state of balance a couple of months ago.

As I am a constantly curious person and eager to learn and see new things, I started a sort of a challenge with my friends and that involves going somewhere new every weekend or whenever we have the chance to spend a day walking around. Today I am going to tell you about the wonderful day I spent in Richmond last week. I would advise anyone who is visiting London to see this nice part of it (mostly because I am sick and tired of tourists coming to London to shop on Oxford Street).

The wonderful day began with brunch and coffee at Petersham Nurseries Teahouse (my brain cannot function properly without its caffeine fix so that is the way we tend to start our day-trips). This is just 10 minutes by bus away from Richmond train station (South-West London). We enjoyed very much their home made cake (who could possibly resist to that?), especially because we had a whole day of walking planed so I figured that doesn’t do much damage calorie-wise. The nursery is a very nice, special place to visit and enjoy, I highly recommend it for a day spent in a bohemian style, alone or with friends. The vintge chairs and tables of the teahouse are set in a beautiful greenhouse, amongst plenty of flowers and plants. I found it to be the perfect place for a late breakfast, highly inspirational, hence the photos I took that you can see below. You can read more about their history, menu and opening times on their official website

Petersham Nurseries Teahouse

Petersham Nurseries Teahouse

Petersham Nurseries Teahouse

We finally built up the strength to leave this wonderful place, when we noticed the cows (or bulls?) that were going around freely (there was no fence on the other side) in the field in the vicinity of the nursery. Notice how they all have the same colour pattern? They completed perfectly the rustic image and the picturesque air of the surroundings.

Petersham Nurseries

We walked for 10-15 minutes and we got to the river, walked a bit along it, enjoyed the beautiful view – I have to add, this looks and feels nothing like London, Richmond is very quiet and relaxed, time seems to pass a bit slower and people seem not to be in a permanent hurry as they usually are in the city (maybe mostly because they are rich and have no other worries, just saying).

Richmond Park


Finally after we walked around a bit, saw the surroundings, the local farmers market, the lovely boat restaurants and terraces, we had a nice lunch on the grass next to the river, enjoying the company of other people that were happy to spend a nice day in the sun – as were we.


I have to declare Richmond as my favourite part of London that I’ve seen until now and it does have its own charm, being a quiet and green area of the Greater London. I very much recommend a trip over there if you’re not the type of tourist that wants to take a selfie with Big Ben and is interested in feeling the vibe of a great city by spending a lovely day in a bright, nice, little suburban area.

What’s all this sunshine nonsense?

I’ve been struggling for more than 2 weeks now to get my first post out. This describes me very well because I am that person that wants everything to be perfect and there is no middle way for me – if it’s not perfect (or at least the way I want it) I’d rather not have it at all. So this is me pulling my act together to write my first post.

My name is Ioana (from time to time I tell people it’s Joana to save myself for endless spelling and questions, but I kind of like you so I’ll even tell you how it is pronounced in English: Eewana), I am a 25 year old Romanian girl who lives in London.

I work for a small company that makes programs and apps for learning languages, at our cozy and homey office in Fulham, where I am responsible for dealing with our lovely customers (seriously, most of them are very nice and tell us how much they enjoy our products) and also for keeping things under control in the office, as an Office Assistant.

Soon I will have my One Year in UK Anniversary and I have to say this has been a life changing experience. I am not going to bore you in this moment with all that has happened during this year, maybe in a later post but I do have to say that there have been a lot of changes to my lifestyle and routine (I am drinking tea with milk at this point, I thought this was gross a year ago) and so I want to share all my discoveries with you.

Since I couldn’t decide for a single theme of the blog, I just figured it’ll be about me and my interests: photography, fashion and beauty, psychology and human interactions, languages and cultures around the world, basic cooking, design and architecture and last but not least, lovely London. All of these sprinkled with a bit of sunshine because I am a big fan of optimism and seeing the bright side of life. I also stand for being yourself, honesty at all costs, and constant curiosity towards new experiences, people and places – if you feel the same way about yourself, you’ve come to the right blog.

Also, as a disclaimer, English is not my native language and I am kind of a Grammar Nazi in my native language, Romanian, so if you find any spelling mistakes or any kind of mistakes in my posts, please help me improve and let me know what they are 🙂 And if we’re on this subject, I also speak fluent German and a couple of Spanish words I learned from some of my colleagues.

Finally, I wrote my first post! This wasn’t so hard 🙂
Alright so that’s that, feedback is always welcome and I hope we have a long, lasting friendship 🙂

See ya!
Little Miss Sunshine